V rámci Stredoslovenskej operácie dostala 40. červená armáda generála Filipa Fedosejeviča Žmačenka spolu so Štvrtou rumunskou armádou generála Nicholasa Dăscălescu za úlohu zavŕšiť operáciu oslobodením centra Slovenského národného povstania Banskej Bystrice. V ranných hodinách 25. marca 1945 sa rozhorel boj o mesto z troch smerov a už o 14. hodine bolo celé mesto slobodné. Na druhý deň, 26. marca 1945, boli oslobodené obce okolo mesta: Sásová, Rudlová, Podlavice a Skubín. Napriek tomu celý nasledujúci týždeň čelilo mesto snahe o znovudobytie mesta a delostreleckému ostreľovaniu z vopred vybudovaných pozícií. Preto sa až 1. apríla podarilo oslobodiť Jakub a 4. apríla 1945 obce Uľanka a Harmanec. Pri oslobodzovaní mesta zahynulo 106 vojakov rumunskej a 59 vojakov Červenej armády.
In Operation Central Slovakia, the 40th Red Army under General Filipp Fedoseyevich Zhmachenko and the 4th Romanian Army under General Nicholas Dăscălescu were assigned the task of completing the operation by liberating Banská Bystrica, the centre of the Slovak National Uprising. In the early hours of 25 March 1945, an attack was launched from three different directions and by two o’clock in the afternoon the whole town had been liberated. On the next day, 26 March 1945, the nearby villages of Sásová, Rudlová, Podlavice and Skubín were also liberated. However, throughout the following week the town was under heavy artillery fire from pre-established positions as the enemy tried to recapture it. Consequently, the village of Jakub was only liberated on 1 April 1945 and the villages of Uľanka and Harmanec on 4 April 1945. The fighting claimed the lives of 106 Romanian Army soldiers and 59 Red Army soldiers.
Autor textu: PhDr. Roman Hradecký