Vyučil sa v obchode Daniela Szumráka a v roku 1857 si založil vlastný obchod. V roku 1866 prevzal spolu so švagrom Harmanecké papierne a vynikajúce ekonomické myslenie mu prinieslo značné zisky. Ako päťdesiatročný sa utiahol na odpočinok, aby sa mohol spoločensky angažovať v dobročinnosti – stal sa nezištným mecenášom chudobných a mesta. Najznámejším je jeho dar na vybudovanie hronského nábrežia od kolkárne po Národnú ulicu, a tiež postavenie mosta k železničnej stanici. Nábrežie podnes nesie jeho meno. Od roku 1885 bol kráľovský, neskôr dvorný radca, získal titul Rytier železnej koruny III. triedy, čestný občan mesta, okrem tohto 29 rokov pôsobil vo funkcii dozorcu evanjelického cirkevného zboru. Pochovaný je na evanjelickom cintoríne v Banskej Bystrici. Na budove fary v Lazovnej ulici je na jeho počesť umiestnená pamätná tabuľa.
Teofil Stadler trained in the shop of D. Szumrák and in 1857 started his own business. In 1866, together with his brother in law, he took over the Harmanec Paper Mill and thanks to his business prowess turned it into a highly profitable enterprise. He retired at the age of 50 to focus on his charity work – he became a tireless benefactor of the poor in the town. His most famous donation was made to build the embankment along the river Hron from Národná street to the former bowling alley and to build the bridge providing access to the train station. The embankment is still named after him. Since 1885, he held the position of the royal and, later, court councillor, he was awarded the Order of the Iron Crown of the Third Class, he received Honorary Citizenship of the town and, for 29 years, he acted as the supervisor for the Lutheran congregation. He is buried in the Lutheran Cemetery. A commemorative plaque was installed in his honour on the Lutheran Parish Office on Lazovná street.
Autor textu: PaedDr. Jana Borguľová