Už v mladom veku písala verše. Po vydaji roku 1946 sa presťahovala do Banskej Bystrice, kde sa stala pracovníčkou Slovenskej knihy, od roku 1960 redaktorkou Stredoslovenského vydavateľstva. Pre postoje po roku 1970 bola diskriminovaná, musela sa stiahnuť z pracovného a verejného života. Do roku 1981 pracovala  ako korektorka v banskobystrických tlačiarňach. Tvorbe poézie sa intenzívne venovala až ako redaktorka vydavateľstva. Debutovala v roku 1962 básnickou zbierkou Jablká plné hviezd, pokračovala zbierkou Vyhnanie z raja (1967), prozaickou tvorbou pre deti Svietnik s holubičkou (1968) a Kľúč od každých dverí (1971). Posledne menovaná zbierka sa, pre narážky na normalizačný režim, stala dôvodom jej prepustenia. Po roku 1989 bola rehabilitovaná, vyšli jej dve básnické zbierky Pierko po pierku (1992) a Ucho ihly (2002 ). Za tvorbu a morálne postoje bola niekoľkonásobne ocenená.


Zlata Solivajsová started writing poetry at a young age. After getting married in 1946, she moved to Banská Bystrica where she worked in the Slovenská kniha bookstore chain and, since 1960, as editor in the Central Slovakia Publishing House. She suffered discrimination for her views and, after 1970, was forced to retire from the professional and public life. She worked as proofreader in the printing house in Banská Bystrica until 1981. It was during her time as publishing editor that she focused on her poetry writing, publishing her debut collection of poetry Jablká plné hviezd (Apples Brimming with Stars) in 1962. It was followed by her collection Vyhnanie z raja (Driven out of Eden, 1967) and prose books for children Svietnik s holubičkou (The Candlestick with a Dove, 1968) and Kľúč od každých dverí (A Key to Every Door, 1971). The latter collection, due to its veiled comments on the normalization regime, became the reason for her dismissal from work. She was rehabilitated after 1989 and later published two collections of poetry, Pierko po pierku (Feather after Feather, 1992) and Ucho ihly (The Eye of a Needle, 2002). She received several awards for her work and her moral principles.


Autor textu: PaedDr. Jana Borguľová