Po maturite v Banskej Bystrici (1921 až 1928) pokračoval v štúdiu na pražskej Karlovej univerzite (1935). Od roku 1941 učil na učiteľskom ústave v Banskej Bystrici, v tom čase sa zapojil do SNP. Po roku 1945 pôsobil v Bratislave, stal sa vedeckým pracovníkom Ústavu slovenskej literatúry SAV, kde pôsobil až do konca života. Literárnokritické články a úvahy publikoval od vysokoškolských štúdií, literatúru chápal ako dôležitú súčasť národného života. Stal sa jedným z vrcholných predstaviteľov modernej kritiky a esejistiky na Slovensku. Svoje odborné state publikoval v početných štúdiách aj v knižnej podobe. V roku 1969 mu bol udelený titul národný umelec. Pochovaný je na evanjelickom cintoríne v Banskej Bystrici. Pamätná tabuľa na jeho počesť je umiestnená na Komenského ulici č. 15, jedna z ulíc mesta nesie jeho meno.
After finishing the secondary schol in Banská Bystrica (1921–1928), Alexander Matuška went on to study at the Charles University (1935). He started teaching at the Teachers Training Institute in Banská Bystrica in 1941 and later took part in the Slovak National Uprising. Since 1945 he lived and worked in Bratislava and became a scientist at the Institute of Slovak Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, a position he held until his death. He published his first essays and literary criticism articles during his university studies. He viewed literature as an important aspect of life as a nation and became a leading figure in modern criticism and essay writing in Slovakia. His treatises were published in a number of studies and books. In 1969, he was awarded the title of National Artist. He is buried in the Lutheran Cemetery in Banská Bystrica. A commemorative plaque in his honour was installed on the house on Komenského 15 and a street in the town is named after him.
Autor textu: PaedDr. Jana Borguľová