Filip Machold I. (*1815, †1864)
Filip Machold II. (*1845, †1915)
Filip Machold III. (*1876, †1955)


Banská Bystrica patrila od 16. Storočia k najstarším strediskám kníhtlačiarstva na Slovensku. Mesto preslávila dynastia Macholdovcov. Zakladateľ Filip Machold I. (1815 – 1864) kúpil wetterlovsko-tumlerovsko-štefániovskú tlačiareň (1830), zmodernizoval ju a presťahoval z Lazovnej ulice do Medeného Hámra. Do typografie zasvätil syna Filipa II. (1845 – 1915). Mimoriadne úspešné boli roky 1837 až 1864, tlačiareň presťahovali na Hornú 18 a za typografiu získali na Všeobecnej krajinskej výstave v Budapešti (1885) Veľkú medailu. Jeho syn Filip III. (1876 – 1955) študoval typografiu vo Viedni a Lipsku. V tlačiarni zaviedol motorový pohon (1900), rozšíril aktivity o kníhkupectvo, tlačiareň prenajímal (Ľudová tlačiareň, 1919, neskôr Slovenská Grafia, 1923) a v roku 1940 predal. V polygrafickom priemysle zaznamenali Macholdovci významnú kapitolu v kultúrnych dejinách celého Slovenska.

Since the 16th century, Banská Bystrica was one of the oldest centres of book printing in Slovakia. The town was later made famous by the Machold dynasty of printers. Its founder, Filip Machold I (1814–1864), bought the Wetterl-Tumler-Štefáni printing company (1830), moved it from Lazovná street to Medený hámor and modernized it. He trained his son Filip II (1845– 1915) in typography. Their company flourished between 1837 and 1864, when they moved it to Horná 18, and their greatest success came when they won the Grand Medal for typography at the Universal National Exhibition in Budapest (1885). The next in line, Filip III (1876–1955), studied typography in Vienna and Leipzig. He introduced engine powered printing presses (1900), broadened the activities of the company to include a bookshop, rented out the presses (Ľudová tlačiareň, 1919, later Slovenská Grafia, 1923) and, finally, sold the company in 1940. The Macholds have written an important chapter in the history of typography and in the cultural history of Slovakia.

Autor textu: PhDr. Filip Glocko