Detstvo a mladosť prežil v Banskej Bystrici, kde absolvoval Štátny učiteľský ústav. Študoval na Filozofickej fakulte UK a konzervatóriu v Bratislave, kde žil a tvoril. Pôsobil ako dramaturg v Slovenskom národnom divadle, dvakrát bol riaditeľom SĽUK-u, takmer desať rokov účinkoval ako hudobník a dirigent v zahraničí. Popri skladbách v piesňovom, zborovom a komornom žánri spracoval množstvo orchestrálnych diel a scénických kompozícií pre folklórne súbory, ale aj pre divadelné, televízne a rozhlasové inscenácie. Je autorom množstva filmovej hudby, niekoľkých baletov, operiet a opier. Mesto Banská Bystrica ho pri príležitosti jeho 80. narodenín v roku 1997 poctilo titulom Čestný občan mesta a Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici akademickým titulom doctor honoris causa.
Tibor Andrašovan lived in Banská Bystrica during his childhood and adolescence and studied at the Public Teachers Training Institute there. He went on to study at the Philosophical Faculty of the Comenius University and at the Music Academy in Bratislava, where he later lived and composed. He worked as a dramaturge in the Slovak National Theatre, he was the director of the SĽUK folklore group twice and also worked as a musician and conductor abroad. He composed songs, choir and chamber music, as well as a number of orchestral works and theatre music for folk groups and for theatre, TV and radio plays. He is also the author of a number of film scores, several ballets, operas and operettas. In 1997, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, he was awarded Honorary Citizenship of Banská Bystrica and received the title of doctor honoris causa from the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica.
Autor textu: PhDr. Marianna Bárdiová, PhD.